Established in 2017, iScope has a strong reputation for excellence in scoping, project management, structural repair, and the delivery of welding qualification and training.
Based in Paget, the mining repair hub of Mackay, our team offer expert advice and meticulous attention to detail for our clients’ diverse needs. And with over 50 years combined experience, our specialised team invest in the entire process from analysis, through to technical support, budgeting, and weekly inspections.
With our experienced and qualified team, we maximise the return on our clients’ assets through our reliable processes, and detailed high-quality procedures that provide clarity at every stage.
With adherence to relevant industry certifications and standards, our commitment to safety flows through our services and operating values of knowledge, expertise, experience, qualified specialists, and practical skill sets.
Built on high principals and standards, our service delivery considers all aspects of resource allocation/ availability, scope creep, capabilities, performance, deliverables, and operational changes - with communication at the forefront of all our operations.
We take pride in our due diligence around milestones, tasks, and deliverables of every project. Having worked in the mining industry for several years, we understand the impacts of a timeline on the smooth delivery of large-scale projects and its effects on optimisation, unnecessary defects, and waste reduction.
Our team’s extensive experience across a range of projects and industry sectors allows us to provide the right system, processes and documents for all quality assurance needs.